Minimize Your Risk of Identity Theft |
Identity thieves are resourceful. Their methods are as varied as the ways in which consumers need to use some form of identification to initiate and complete transactions. It can all be confusing and intimidating, but consumers need not feel helpless against the expanding threat of identity theft. For most of the tactics used by the bad guys, there are countermeasures for consumers. These measures cannot completely ensure that a consumer's identity is safe, but the odds of becoming a victim decline with each protective step taken. What follows is a non-exhaustive collection of safeguards you can put in place to lower the chances that a stranger will do you harm, even as he adds the insult of pretending to be you. In the Short Term
Good Habits to Acquire
Cyber Danger Computers have their own unique set of threats to the security of your identity, but there is good advice for the wary here, too. Update virus protection software regularly. Do not download files or click on hyperlinks coming from strangers. Use a secure browser and a firewall program, especially if you use a high-speed Internet connection. Avoid storing financial information on a laptop but, if you must, use a strong, random password. Do not use an automatic log-in feature and always log off when you are finished. Our office is ready to serve your needs. If we can be of assistance to you, please contact us. |
The information contained in this publication is general and should not be applied to specific legal problems without first consulting your attorney. Actual resolution of legal issues depends upon many factors, including variations of facts and Federal and State laws. Ohio laws change daily as a result of legislation and court decisions. This publication is not intended to provide legal advice on specific subjects, but rather to provide insight into legal developments and issues that we feel could be useful.
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