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Attorney Profiles

In Memoriam: George W. Coen (1914-1995)


George W. Coen was admitted to practice in Ohio in 1938. He was also admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States.

Mr. Coen received his law degree from the University of Virginia (LL.B., 1938/J.D.). He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Virginia, as well.

Mr. Coen was on the Ohio Supreme Court Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline in 1975. He was also a member of the Fairfield County Bar Association (President, 1957); the Ohio State Bar Association (Chairman, Legal Forms and Worksheets Committee, 1950-66); the American Bar Association; and the Federal Bar Association (Committee on Real Estate, 1966). Mr. Coen was also a fellow to the American College of Probate Counsel.

Mr. Coen was honored at the Ohio State Bar Association for the successful completion of 50 years of practice in the legal profession.

George W. Coen retired with Coen Wexler and Wentz.


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